The security of the pharmaceutical supply chain is essential to ensure the health of patients and to prevent fraud in the industry.
 In the European context, medicines serialisation systems have become a key tool. Italy, together with Belgium and Greece, has until 2025 to fully implement such a system, as the time extension granted by the EU will come to an end.
Serialisation in Italy: From February 2019, most European countries must comply with the serialisation system. Italy, which already has a traceability system for medicines, has obtained a time extension until 2025 to fully implement it.
Obligations of the members of the Pharmaceutical Chain: The Marketing Authorization Holder (MAHs) are responsible for reporting the activation of the series, while pharmacies, hospitals and distributors must verify and deactivate them. This regulation aims to ensure the traceability of medicines at each stage of the supply chain.
How Verifarma helps me to Comply with Regulatory Requirements by 2025: Verifarma provides a comprehensive solution for the traceability of medicines in Italy and Greece. This service not only facilitates the implementation of anti-fraud labels, but also simplifies the transmission of data to the central database, ensuring an efficient regulatory compliance.
The implementation of measures such as the verification and inactivation of products, as well as the traceability of medicines in Italy and Greece, are important steps towards improving patient safety.
Due to the end of the time extension, it is essential that pharmaceutical companies adopt solutions such as Verifarma to ensure regulatory compliance. Patient safety and the integrity of the pharmaceutical supply depend on these measures, which also promote and enable an effective pharmacovigilance and a more reliable medicines consumption.